Empress Empowerment LLC

The Importance of your Ascendant aka Rising Sign in Astrology.

Crystal Hayward • Dec 16, 2023

Your ASCENDANT (Rising Sign) is More than a "mask'.

"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." 


What is the significance in knowing your rising sign aka your ascendant > Even a broken clock is right twice a day. > Your ascendant sets the stage of your entire birth chart. 

There is a common misconception among professional and armature astrologers alike that our Ascendant is simply a mask we wear in public while our sun and moon are our true personalities. This is only partly correct because


Even if you know nothing about astrology everyone has heard of horoscopes forecasting future events based on the relative position of the planets at the day and time of a person's birth. This is why our ascendant (another word for "rising sign". I use both terms interchangeable) is important. Predictions based on sun sign are not nearly as accurate as using the ascendant. 


In simple terms, our ascendant is our mask, outer appearance or first impression. While our sun sign is our personality, will-power and ego expression. Our sun sign is based on our birthday and the 12 zodiac signs. While I rising sign or ascendant require accurate birthtime. Being off from one minute can affect the entire trajectory of your birth chart. 


Our birth chart (natal chart) consists of 12 houses representing the 12 zodiac signs. First house represents Aries, the first sign. Second house is Taurus, Third is Gemini, etc... In addition, each house represents a different aspect of your life. For example, our first house (Ascendant) is our appearance and represents what we show to the world externally. While our 7th house represents our partner or other half (anima / animus) . Astrology proves that opposites truly attract!! This will be explained further in another post. 


 Since I became an astrologer I would be a millionaire if I got paid every time someone said. " Oh, do you write the Horoscopes too? I want to know (fill in the blank) today". Even skeptics who do not believe in astrology will peek at their sun sign prediction for the day out of curiosity. Why? According to personal research, even the most adamant non-believers say their horoscopes have been surprisingly accurate. In the spirit world we call coincidences - "synchronicities". Everything is energy. Therefore, we attract what we are or at least how we feel within. This is why our subconscious is so powerful. We must work at directing and redirection our daily thoughts. There are some things we cannot explain logically with facts and figures. Astrology is arguably one of those things. Scientists have been trying for decades to disprove astrology although there is extensive proof that some of the most powerful presidents had personal astrologers. In fact, there is proof that Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Regan consulted with astrologers. At the very least had knowledge of their birth charts. 


Banker JP Morgan, founder of Chase bank famously said: "Millionaires don’t use astrology. Billionaires do." 


Gandhi explains it perfectly: 

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, 

Your thoughts become your words, 

Your words become your actions, 

Your actions become your habits, 

Your habits become your values, 

Your values become your destiny.” 


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